Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

my diary

aQ hny sbuah ombak kecil di laut lepas yg ingin meraih daratan..
smakin kuat aQ mencoba smakin jauh pula aQ trhempas di laut lepas...
aQ hny bsa melihat ombak2 besar saling berkejaran meraih daratan....
sdangkn aQ.....
 scuil daratanpun tak mampu aQ jamah......

tak ad yg dpat aQ bicarakn...
mulutQ trkunci rapat... bungkam seribu bahasa...
hatiQ penuh sesak...
rasa perih seakan menyayat hati....
penat trasa mengalir di sluruh pembuluh darahQ......
rasa penat ini brgelayut dlm hti......
entah ap yg sdg trjdi pd driQ.......

aQ trpaku menatap langit.....
anganQ melayang jauh entah kmana.....
ingin rasa na aQ triak sekeras-keras na....
meluapkan sgala kgundahan hati.....
aQ ingin menghirup udara kebebasan.......
Jauh dr rutinisas yg slama ini kupikul berat di punggungQ......


Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

ketika senja menjelang

            jarum jam terus berdetik.. waktu terus berlalu.. namun hingga malam ini, hingga saat ini.. mata ini tak mampu terpejam.. terlintas jelas di benak ku akan kejadian sore ini... yap, seperi biasa ku lalui hari ini dengan kesibukkan di kampus.. dari pagi hingga menjelang malam.. sore ini berangkat dari kampus tiga aku berniat pulang.. kebetulan aQ bareng dgn temanQ  kunni... sampai di kost na kunni aQ tak langsung brhenti krna kunni memintaQ untuk terus krna mw bli lauk kta na... oke lah, aQ brhenti di warung yg terletak di ujung pertigaan tak jauh dari kampus satu.. kunni pun beli lauk... 
"kun, aQ duluan ya...." kataQ pd kunni
"Oke, ati2..." kata kunii
dengan segera aQ memacu mtor krna hri juga sudah mulai gelap. aQ juga berencana untuk fc KMS dl sblum pulg bwt tgz Neonatus... Ngomong2 neonatus jadi terbayang wajah tinni dn naning... mb pj neonatus... jd inget bsk ad eval imunisasi.. hadowh...
Back to ceritera>>>>
trz to.....
pas nympe jalan raya... wktu itu suasana lg rame, pas mw nyebrang bnyk mobil dn mtor brlalu lalang... ya udh sambil nunggu aq asyik nglamun.. hehe.. saat dh mulai sepi aq mw nyebrang, tp bru sja masukkin presnelen dn mw narik gas, dr arah utara ad grombolan ank2 sma brpkaian seragam lengkap.. dr arah selatan ad grombolan ank2 sma pula... awal na tk pikir cm lewat biasa, kn biasa na jg ad ank sma yg pulg ampe sore krna ad ekskul ato kegiatan yg laen....tp kug beda.... ad yg triak2....   suasana lngsng brubah mncekam.. pd gembor2in mtor, trz pd adu mulut, ampe ad yg udh siap pke ikat pinggang sgala... trz ngejar pke mtor yg dpacu dgn kcepata tinggi smbil triak2..  poxox e serem... hnya selang beberapa detik tawuran trjdi... tepat di depan mataQ... hadowh,,, kbyang gk gmn panik na aQ.... dari arah selatan ad mb'' pke vario blg...
"mb, puter balik aj,, cpet !!!!!!"


Duwerrrr..... rasa panik ku makin meledak... akhr na aQ putar balik... aQ kembali ke warung dan ktmu kunni.. aQ blg sma kunni...

"kunni, ad tawuran>>>
"iy pa????? dmana?????"
"ya, ddpan itu..."
"ya wes kmu di sni aj dlu.. mw minum pa???"
"ndak lah kun...."
"lho, tp km pucet bgt lho"
"hu um e kuni... panik aQ...gemeter..."
"ya wes istrht dl"
            kami pun akhr na mlah ngobrol ttg tawuran yg prnah trjdi di per4an jalan beberapa wktu lalu... it mlah lbih parah, soal na bner2 kjebak di tengah2 tawuran... ampe mw ktabrak ank sma yg panik krna ad polisi yg mengeluarkan  tembakan peringatan. kacau bgt poxox e... mana itu di perempatan jalan persis... macet pun tak dpat terhindarkan...

akhr kata.... pesan sponsor.....
akhr2 ini marak nian terjadi tawuran antar pelajar... seyogya na sbg sorang pelajar it kn tgz na belajar yg benar utk bekal di masa depan bkn tawuran...

smoga tdk trjadi twuran lg, krna it sangat merugikan...
merugikan di sendiri dan merugikan org lain...


Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

erorr maning erorr maning..... -,-

adowh... gimandose.. kyk e nembe eror kie... tp ini yg eror org na ap gmn yak??? hahah kgak tau lah... bwt krim komen pending2 trz... ck..ck..ck.. mw ngucpin slamat aj deh bwt tim futsal klz 2A.. selamt yah.. slamat.. slamat.. slamat... bwt mega, maap nggih td komen na dobel2 cz nembe eror.. gk tau yg eror org na apa yg laen.. hehe... bwt ank2 A3 bsuk pagi jam 7 KOSONG...!!!!! biar kalian yg hbz futsal bsa istirhat, bngun siang... dn bwt yg msih d kmpung halaman bsa ad wktu bwt k jogja.. cz td naning jg cmz aQ kta na mch d ngawi.. bgtu... mnta kosong aj.. lgian dosen na jg gk bsa nek bsk jam 7... ad kbr buruk kie... laptopQ eror.. gr2 kmren siang pas ad petir bru2 tk mtiin tp gk tk shut down, cm stand by.. e mlah ampe skrg lok d shut down posisi na tetep stand by... hueft... pusing....

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

tambh lg nih.... lat. b.ing... monggo.. :)

1.      She said, “I watch TV every day”
She said that she watched TV every day
2.      She said, “I am watching TV”
She said that she was watching TV
3.      She said, “I have watched TV”
She said that she had watched TV
4.      She said, “I watched TV”
She said that she has watched TV
5.      She said, “I will watch TV”
She said that she would watch TV
6.      She said, “I am going to watch TV”
She said that she was going to watch TV
7.      She said, “I can watch TV"
She said that she could watch TV
8.      She said, “I may watch TV”
She said that she might watch TV
9.      She said, “I must watch TV”
She said that she had to watch TV
10.   She said, “Watch TV!”
She said to watch TV
11.   Bob said, “I will help you”    
bob said that he would help me
12.   “Do you need a pen?” Ani asked.   
Ani asked me if I needed a pen.
13.   Jenifer asked, “What do you want?”   
jenifer asked me what I wanted
14.   He asks Tina, “Are you hungry?” 
he asks Tina if she is hungry.
15.   “I want a sandwich.” Riska said. 
Riska said that she wanted a sandwich.
16.   Susan said, “I don’t want to go”  
susan said that she didn't want to go.
17.   “Why is the sky blue?” My young sister often asks.  
My young sister often asks why the sky is blue.
18.   Sam asked, “Where is Amanda?”  
sam asked where amanda was
19.   Barbara said, “I have to go downtown” 
 barbara said that she had to go downtown
20.   My mother asked, “Why are you tired”  
my mother asked why I was tired.
21.   He asked, “Did you come here yesterday?” 
 he asked if I had come there the day before/ the previous day
22.   Mr. Tomo said, “The world is round.”  
Mr tomo said that the world is round.
23.   Miss Era asked, “Will you be in class tomorrow?”
miss era asked if I would be in class the day after/ the next day
24.   She said, “I came to the class today.” 
she said that She had come to the class that day.
25.   My parents said, “Don’t play near the road.”
my parents said not to play near the road.
26.   She told us, “There is a unique car in this house.”
she told us that there was a unique car in that house.
27.   Professor Dumbledore announced, “I’m going to postpone the examination.”
prof. Dum announced that he was going to postpone the examination.

direct speech... monggo... @_~

Direct Sentence
Indirect Sentence
Simple Present
Nara said, “I eat rice.”
Simple Past
Nara said that she ate rice.
Present Continuous
Nara said, “I am eating rice.”
Past Continuous
Nara said that she was eating rice.
Present Perfect
Nara said, “I have eaten rice.”
Past Perfect
Nara said that she had eaten rice.
Present Perfect Continuous
Nara said, “I have been eating rice.”
Past Perfect Continuous
Nara said that she had been eating rice.
Simple past
Nara said, “I ate rice.”
Past Perfect
Nara said that she had eaten rice.
Nara said, “I will eat rice.”
Nara said that she would eat rice.
Future Continuous
Nara said, “I will be eating rice.”
Conditional Continuous
Nara said that she would be eating rice.
Nara said, “I can eat rice.”
Past Modal
Nara said that he could eat rice.

Now, let us see the words which get changed when the Direct Speech is changed into Indirect Speech.

• Now becomes then
• Here becomes there
• Ago becomes before
• Thus becomes so
• Today becomes that day
• Tomorrow becomes the next day
• Yesterday becomes the day before
• Last night becomes the night before
• This becomes that
• These becomes those
Direct: He said to Mary, “Please wait here till I return.”
Indirect: he requested Mary to wait there till he returned.